TLC is introducing another alternative lifestyle show to the mᴀsses with their new show Polyfamily, that explores the dynamic between two married couples in a closed quad relationship.
But viewers of the network – formerly known as The Learning Channel – believe they may have gone too far with some slamming the premise as ‘gross.’
One commenter on X (formerly Twitter), even went so far as to as to rage: ‘TLC is the Antichrist.’
Another wrote, ‘No. Y’all are getting grosser and grosser,’ while a third said, ‘This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.’
Someone else wrote, ‘I hope Gen Z puts a stop to this nonsense…Gen X / millennials took it too far,’ while another quipped, ‘Read the room. We’re kinda over this crap.’
The new show, which premieres in April, focuses its attention on married couples Sean and Taya and Tyler and Alysia. They just happen to be dating each others’ spouses.
TLC is introducing another alternative lifestyle show to the mᴀsses. Polyfamily explores the dynamic between two married couples in closed quad relationship
‘Taya’s my wife and Alysia’s my girlfriend,’ Sean said as Tyler chimed in, ‘And vice versa. Alysia’s my wife and Taya’s my girlfriend.’
Sean, who has been married to Taya for six years, explained in the trailer, ‘We are a closed polyamorous quad.
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‘A closed quad is four people. We’re only dating within ourselves and married within ourselves. We don’t have any outside partners.’
A press release from TLC stated ‘In addition to the complex parenting dynamics, dating each other’s partners is not without its share of emotional challenges.’
Alysia and Tyler have been married for 11 years and had a son and a daughter before joining Sean and Taya’s closed quad.
‘We never set out to live our lives like this, but we realized we could love more than one person and make our own rules as to what we want our family to look like,’ she said.
Since becoming a polyfamily, the couples have welcomed two more sons and another baby is on the way.
‘Since the guys switch rooms every night, we don’t know who the fathers of the younger boys are,’ Taya, who is pregnant with her second baby, reveals in the trailer.
The new show, which premieres in April, focuses Sean and Taya and Tyler and Alesia. They just happen to be dating each others’ spouses
‘Taya’s my wife and Alysia’s my girlfriend,’ Sean said as Tyler chimed in, ‘And vice versa. Alysia’s my wife and Taya’s my girlfriend.’
Fans have had a mixed reaction to the news of the series, with one commenter on X (formerly Twitter ), writing, ‘TLC is the Antichrist’
Sean, who has been married to Taya for six years, explained in the trailer, ‘We are a closed polyamorous quad’
‘A closed quad is four people. We’re only dating within ourselves and married within ourselves. We don’t have any outside partners’
A press release from TLC stated ‘In addition to the complex parenting dynamics, dating each other’s partners is not without its share of emotional challenges’
Fans continued to comment on how much they weren’t interested in the show’s dynamic
People called the show’s concept, gross and dumb
Tyler said that ‘we wonder sometimes’ who the father of the younger children is, but admitted, ‘Finding out could cause a lot of hurt.’
Other commenters were curious about the series with one opining, ‘I’m gonna check it out, but it would probably get better ratings if they had cast better looking people.
Someone else wrote, ‘Count me in! I already have a bunch of opinions lol the bald guy needs to check himself.’
‘Isn’t TLC supposed to be The Learning Channel and family friendly?’ another person wrote. ‘What are they teaching? Monogamy is not normal?’
They continued: ‘Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be watching but curious.’
Another wondered, ‘With all these throuples, seeking sister wife, brother husbands, etc. shows. How can I get my own show for being in a monogamous relationship/marriage for going on 12 years?
‘That’s what people should be watching and giving publicity to.’
It is not all romance and laughter for the two couples in the closed quad. In fact, Sean and Tyler do not get along.
Another wondered, ‘With all these throuples, seeking sister wife, brother husbands, etc. shows. How can I get my own show for being in a monogamous relationship/marriage for going on 12 years?’
Alysia and Tyler have been married for 11 years and had a son and a daughter before joining Sean and Taya’s closed quad
‘We live together, we have mutual partners and we parent together,’ Sean says in the trailer about his relationship with Tyler.
‘But if we weren’t in this situation, we probably wouldn’t be friends.’
Taya and Alysia also have their issues and jealousy does come to the surface from time to time.
Alysia confesses in the trailer that she does get ‘jealous’ over Taya and Tyler’s romance, because she says ‘it almost looks like they’re more in love than him and I.’
Taya also stirs things up, admitting at the end of the trailer, ‘I have something to share.
‘I feel like I have a connection with someone else,’she confesses, which throws off the group with Tyler saying that complicates things.
‘It’s complicated to bring someone else in. We’re not closed anymore at that point. We’re just not,’ Tyler said, while Alysia confessed, ‘I don’t know where we go from here.’